“Hey, you good?” I ask while waving again. I don’t know why I did this, in my defense am in the woods and I think I’ve watched this movie before.
Sasa wa Machakos utalipisha aje?” I ask Sam as the driver changes to the middle lane at Kahawa. “Si tuko na wewe hapa? Wacha nikuonyeshe” he replies and starts collecting “tithe”
This is typical morning for any Kenyan conductor. Yes, am one of them and this time am writing about my experiences.
Waingo umetuwekea hii gari sana, ama ushapata customer?” my driver asks jokingly.
It’s a normal Thursday afternoon and we playing that lockdown session with Uncle wa Manasnacks, Gibbz Daqchildat playing tha KE old school rap,
This is his last mass at St. Joseph the Worker, where he has grown, served and fallen in love with the church and to officiate this found love on Friday of the fourth of August 2023
Kenyan music hits all the right spots. Now with someone with the knowledge and a wonderful playlist, you only need a bottle of gin.
A few months later coincidentally, we were sited on top of a wrecked land rover behind a tent with lake Naivasha on the furthest left.
It’s now my turn. I just woke up so appetite si kubwa viiile, chapo mbili chai, ata nikumbuke taste ya maziwa would do just fine, plus this way I don’t get to do the dishes,
Where was I? Yes, about skills. I am profession in both words, street and corporate but Nairobi does not care as they literary put it, “hakuna pesa imekarangwa” (no money is fried).